Monday, October 10, 2011

Blog Number 4

Mumford & Sons

The Cave:

Little Lion Man:

Listening Framework: The Cave

Listening Framework: Little Lion Man

          The two songs The Cave and Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons share more different qualities than similar qualities. There are three major similarities between the songs. The first similarity is that they both have moderato or medium tempos. They are also alike because the rhythm is coming from the lead guitar. Also, the two songs have a very upbeat and fun groove and each song flows very well.
            The two songs are also very different from each other in many ways. The lyrics in The Cave are about leaving behind fears and living life the way it is intended whereas Little Lion Man is about pushing a loved one away. The structure and the organization of each song are different as well. The Cave starts off very slow with the guitar playing the same notes over and over again. The song builds up in the middle with the vocals on top and then slowly drops again. The song then builds up again for the ending. Little Lion Man also starts off slowly but does not build up that much throughout the song. Instead, it builds up just a little bit in the middle of the song.
            It seems that The Cave is much more intensified and faster than Little Lion Man. When the instruments (drums, banjo, and guitar) in The Cave, are all playing in sync with the vocals on top, the song becomes very intense and loud. The listener can really only hear the vocals and the banjo playing the same notes over and over again, when in reality the drums and guitar are playing as well. In Little Lion Man, there is a little bit of intensity in the middle of the song, but the beginning and the end are slower and quiet. Also the drums play a big role in driving the song along with the guitar, whereas the song Little Lion Man is driven by the lead guitar and banjo. With regards to timbre, the chorus of The Cave is much noisier than the chorus of Little Lion Man.
            The melodies of the two songs are also very different. Both songs have completely different tunes that can be hummed. Their tunes may differ from one another but they both seem to have linear melodies with regards to following the intro to verse to chorus pattern. I personally like the song The Cave better than Little Lion Man because I like how the song intensifies and drops many times throughout the song. I also really the meaning behind the song, and I like the fact that it has a very upbeat and fun groove.  

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