Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blog Number 8



            Acknowledge the Lizard is considered to be the part of the brain that makes us worry. Individuals are not able to create genius works of art because of resistance, also known as fear. Therefore, we have to acknowledge it. The two of the seven layers that stood out the most to me were connect and fail. The first layer, connect, is very important when it comes to media. This layer is about how making connections through the Internet with people can not only help an individual gain insight, but also help them gain connections with people they have never met before. Many years ago, people did not have the opportunity to make connections through the Internet, which made it very hard for people to make connections. Because of the Internet, we are now able to make connections easily. Making connections on the Internet can also help expose an individual’s talents. The last layer is fail, which states that in order for an individual to grow, they need to be able to fail first. 


            I believe that the blog assignments that I have been assigned over this quarter have really helped me not only become a better student, but also a better person and artist as well. The first blog I was assigned this quarter was the hero and villain design. I decided to create the villain and I found this assignment to be pretty challenging. I am not a very good artist, so it took me a long time to draw the character. I found that I kept having to start over too because something in my head kept telling me that my drawing looked horrible. This is like one of the layers in Brainwashed called Acknowledging the Lizard. Acknowledging the Lizard is the part of the brain that makes us worry, and I found that I was constantly getting worried about my drawing. My picture would have been so much better if I was not so worried about it to begin with. It turned out that my picture looked fine, and was similar to those of my classmates. Also, this particular blog assignment taught me how to deconstruct my character, which is something I had never done before.             
            Another blog assignment that really helped me become a better artist was the storyboard blog. I thought it was pretty cool how I was able to learn how to storyboard a scene. I struggled a little bit trying to draw each picture, but as I started to draw more and more, my picture became much better. When I drew my first picture, it looked nothing like the characters in the scene I chose. This relates to the failing layer. I failed a few times drawing the pictures, but with practice, my picture got significantly better. This blog also helped me grow as a student because I was able to learn about different camera movements and where the camera is in each shot. Now when I watch movies, I pick up on the different camera movements used, and where the camera is in each shot.

            All of the blogs that I have written have really helped me grow as a student. I am learning so many new things after writing each blog. Sometimes when I waited to the last minute to write the blogs, I would think that the blogs were a waste of time, but looking back, I realize they helped me grow so much. I have become a better artist and have been exposed to new programs that I have never used before. I have failed a few times along the way, which in turn has made me stronger and I have had doubts about my projects, but they have made me grow as a person.


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