Thursday, September 15, 2011

Blog Number 1

Antagonist: Rocco 


          The various colors found in fire relate to Rocco because the color of his jacket and pants are different shades of red and the color of his hair is dark orange. When I think of fire, the first thing that comes to mind is that its powerful and strong. The color red symbolizes determination, strength, and power, all of which represent Rocco. He loves to commit crime within his town and he is determined to steal various items from people. He also has a lot of power because he is able to get away with stealing many things from people without Detective Jeff Talion or anyone in the town finding out it's him. The color dark orange represents distrust. Rocco walks around town and people have no idea that he is the one stealing items from their homes because he puts up this nice front, but inside he is very evil.


          There are a few shadows used to accentuate certain parts of Rocco's body. The background behind him is black which contrasts with the different colors of red in his coat. I decided to use shadows and light by his hands to highly emphasize the fact that he steals and to draw viewer's eye to them. There is also a shadow and light by his crazy curly hair to emphasize the fact that he is mentally insane. He puts up a front which makes people believe he is normal, but in reality, his craziness drives him to want to steal things from innocent people everyday. The shadows draw the viewers attention to the most important parts of his body (hair and hands), which metaphorically show the character's motivation and thought process. 


          There are two different major shapes that make up Rocco's body. First is a triangle. There are a few different parts of his coat which have a triangular shape. The triangle represents aggressiveness and speed. Not only is Rocco very aggressive with his stealing, but he is also very sly and quick.  The other shape that makes up his body is a square. The square represents masculinity and organization. He is very organized with his stealing and gets it done the right way. He also puts up this masculine front which helps him get away from Detective Jeff Talion without any suspicion.

Protagonist: Detective Jeff Talion


          The colors found in the sky relate to Detective Jeff Talion's character. His jacket is the color blue, and his pants, hat, and the background are more of a grayish color. The light blue found on his jacket and the gray everywhere else contrast each other very well. Also, those colors contrast with the colors found in Rocco's character. I chose a picture of the sky because the first thing that comes to mind is depth and stability, both which represent Detective Jeff Talion. The color blue also symbolizes wisdom and loyalty. Detective Jeff Talion's parents were murdered in a bank heist, which drove him to become a detective. Therefore, he is showing loyalty to his family. He is also a very wise character and goes about finding clues in a logical way.


          Detective Jeff Talion's character was designed to have the color white surrounding his body in order to make him pop out. The light behind him draw's the viewer's eye towards his face because it is much lighter than the rest of his body. The light behind him also makes his face pop which shows his angry face and his motivation. The gravestone in the background is very light, which makes it contrast from the background. It was very important for the gravestone to be very light in order for the viewer to understand that he lost his parents, and as a result became a detective.


          The main shape that makes up Detective Jeff Talion is the square. The square represents masculinity and organization. Detective Jeff Talion is very masculine and well put together. He carries around a gun while looking for clues in order to make sure people know not to mess with him. He is also very organized and looks for clues in the best way in order to find/capture Rocco. His body is made up of linear lines which represent aggressiveness. He is very aggressive with finding clues in order to get him closer to finding Rocco. Linear lines can also represent that he is very strong and will fight anyone in order to bring his city justice.

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